
Anunț important privind organizarea unui “consulat itinerant” în Cleveland.

UPDATE. Anunţ privind organizarea referendumului pentru revizuirea Constituţiei României în perioada 6 şi 7 octombrie 2018

→ MAE reamintește că au mai rămas 8 zile până la finalizarea perioadei de înscriere în Registrul Electoral a cetățenilor români din străinătate

→ Comunicat privind alegerile parlamentare

→ Romanian Presidency Newsletter – Voting Information

Anunţ privind Programul de e-Learning “Antreprenori români de pretutindeni”

Stimaţi prieteni şi colaboratori,

Vă aducem la cunoştinţă că Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, prin Departamentul Politici pentru Relaţia cu Românii de Pretutindeni, în parteneriat cu Fundaţia Naţională a Tinerilor Manageri şi Re>Patriot, un proiect al Romanian Business Leaders, lansează Programul de e-Learning „Antreprenori români de pretutindeni”, dedicat românilor de peste graniţe.

Programul constă în oferirea în regim gratuit a câte 100 de burse on-line pentru fiecare din domeniile antreprenoriat, management şi antreprenoriat în turism.

Cursurile se desfăşoară în perioada 1 iulie – 15 noiembrie 2016, locurile disponibile fiind în număr de 300.

Înscrierea se face prin completarea formularului de înregistrare on-line în interval de o lună de la lansarea proiectului (data limită 31 iulie).

(link Formular

Cursurile au ca scop diseminarea şi consolidarea cunoştinţelor de cultură antreprenorială şi de management, precum şi sprijinirea celor interesaţi să îşi elaboreze propriile planuri de afaceri.

Mai multe amănunte pot fi regăsite pe site-ul Departamentului Politici pentru Relaţia cu Românii de Pretutindeni, la adresa

Rugăm sprijinul dumneavoastră, în sensul diseminării informaţiilor prezentate în atenţia celor interesaţi, membri ai comunităţii româneşti din SUA.


Alegeri parlamentare 2016

LCSCAN (2)  LCSCAN0001 (1)


Alegeri parlamentare 2016

Pliant Alegeri 2016


Comunicat de presă

Votul cetăţenilor români din SUA la alegerile parlamentare 2016

Comunicat Ambasada Alegeri Parlamentare 2016





Comunicat de presă

MAE și AEP anunță începerea perioadei de înscriere în Registrul Electoral pentru alegătorii români cu domiciliul sau reședința în străinătate

31.03.2016 Comunicat MAE 


Reception to highlight Romanian movie at the Cleveland International Film Festival 2016 – Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 6:30PM

The Honorary Consulate General of Romania in Ohio invites you to a networking reception to highlight the Romanian movie “One Floor Below” – “Un Etaj Mai Jos”. Join us for a fun evening at the “Lincoln Tap House” restaurant located in Cleveland’s Tower City Center on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 6:30 PM.

* Free beer and pizza for the first twenty guests or while they last … so come early! *

The movie “One Floor Below” will be shown after the reception at the Tower City Cinemas, host of the Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF), at 8:35 PM.

Tickets go on sale March 18, 2016. Use the customized code “ROM” to get a $2.00 discount.

Online: Use the code ROM when purchasing tickets at (available 24 hours a day).

Phone: Use the code ROM when calling the Film Festival Box Office at 877.304.FILM (3456).

In-person: Use the code ROM at the Film Festival Box Office in the Tower City Cinemas lobby.

Ticket prices (before discount) are as follows:

$14 Cleveland International Film Festival Members

$16 Non-members

$14 Students and seniors (in-person only)

For more information about “One Floor Below”, please visit the CIFF 2016’s movie page:

For more information about the “Lincoln Tap House”, please visit the restaurant’s page at

2 martie 2016

Comunicat de presă

MAE a lansat pe pagina sa de internet secţiunea dedicată organizării în străinătate a alegerilor parlamentare 2016

În scopul informării asupra organizării şi desfăşurării în străinătate a alegerilor parlamentare de la sfârşitul acestui an, pe pagina de internet a MAE a fost activată secţiunea „Alegeri parlamentare 2016 – Votul în străinătate”, la adresa: Aceasta conţine cele mai importante informaţii referitoare la cadrul legislativ (inclusiv în ceea ce priveşte votul prin corespondenţă), informaţii utile privind votul în străinătate,  precum şi informaţiile transmise ca parte a campaniei de informare derulată de  Ministerul Afacerilor Externe în parteneriat cu Autoritatea Electorală Permanentă.

Pagina de internet va fi actualizată permanent, pe măsură ce noi informaţii vor fi disponibile.

Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă cetăţenilor români să se informeze din timp asupra procedurii de vot, pentru a-şi putea exercita dreptul de vot în străinătate în cele mai bune condiţii.


02 03 2016 lansare pagina alegeri

invitatie engleza

Stimaţi prieteni şi colaboratori,
Vă aducem la cunoştinţă că statul român a lansat concursul de burse oferite prin intermediul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe, în baza HG 288 din 1993, pentru anul universitar 2016-2017.
Anexăm prezentului mesaj următoarele documente:
1.      Formularul de cerere emis de Ministerul Afacerilor Externe;
2.      Formularul de cerere de eliberare a unei scrisori de acceptare la studii emis de MECS;
3.      Lista universităţilor de stat din România.
Precizăm că, potrivit metodologiei actuale, data limită de depunere a dosarelor la compartimentul de specialitate din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe este 15 martie 2016Intră în competenţa ambasadei transmiterea dosarelor primite de la candidaţi către autorităţile din ţară.
În acelaşi timp, vă aducem la cunoştinţă că începând cu 2 decembrie 2015, pe site-ul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe, la extensia Studii în România, a fost publicată o variantă simplificată a metodologiei privind acordarea de burse, de către statul român, pentru cetăţeni străini, care poate fi consultată în limbile română, engleză şi franceză la adresele şi
Informaţiile se regăsesc şi pe pagina de internet a Ambasadei României la Washington.
Vă rugăm să aveţi amabilitatea diseminării informaţiilor prezentate, pe canalele de comunicare avute la dispoziţie, în atenţia cetăţenilor străini, din rândul colaboratorilor şi cunoştinţelor dumneavoastră, posibil interesaţi de programul de burse acordate de statul român.
Cu aleasă consideraţie,
Gabriel ROTARU
Political Counselor
to the United States of America
1607 23rd Street NW
Washington, DC 20008

Phone:  +1 202 2324749 # 107
Fax:       +1 202 2324748


Anexa 1 – formular MAE 2016-17 ANEXA 2 formular MECS 2016-17 fr Anexa 3 rom- Universitati de stat

July 2015

The Greek Crisis and its Potential Consequences

With Greece struggling to repay its 1.7 billion dollar, EU citizens fear the possible consequences that Greece might have on them and the Eurozone.

Recently, Alexis Tsipras, the Prime Minister of Greece called for a referendum on bailout terms. The European Central Bank is willing to work towards a solution to save Greece from going bankrupt, while the Eurogroup (a meeting of finance ministers of the Eurozone) has refused to extend any financial assistance past June 30, 2015. A referendum on July 5th will determine whether the Hellenic nation will accept the bailout terms proposed by the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and the European Commission. With news coverage showing long queues of Greeks waiting to withdraw money from the banks and polls indicating a tight race, Romanians are concerned with the consequences of Greece leaving Eurozone.

A spokesperson for the National Bank of Romania assured Romanian citizens that they should not fear a similar situation with the banks, stating that all banks in Romania, even those with Greek capital, are subject to internal legislation and supervision of the National Bank. Surprisingly, the Central Bank has left its interest rate unchanged as the Greek crisis continues.

Romanians traveling to Greece during this time are advised to carry cash in order to avoid any complications associated with paying with a credit/debit card.

April 2015

Romania’s Economy Status

Romania has made considerable progress in terms of developing institutions that are compatible with a market economy since its entry into the European Union in 2007. Fortunately, Romania was able to quickly recover after the 2008 economic crisis due to prudent macroeconomic management, which prompted reforms from international institutions in the education, financial and health, public administration and social assistance sectors.The country recovered from the effects of the global crisis with the help of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission, which helped restore macroeconomic bAlinces and encourage economic growth. By 2013, exports continued to grow and the consumer demand and investment showed signs of recovery.In order to ensure long term growth in the future, Romania must assure that it complies with the established fiscal targets and that it continues working toward reform focusing on the energy and transport sectors. 

Romania’s Economic Freedom

Romania’s economic freedom score is 66.6, making its economy the 57th freest in the 2015 Index and showing an improvement of 1.1 points from 2014. This increase reflects improvements in freedom from corruption, labor freedom, and the management of government spending that outweigh a decline in business freedom. Romania is ranked 27th out of 43 countries in the Europe region, and its overall score is higher than the world average. There is a growing trend in Eastern Europe, which Romania had joined with a steady increase in economic freedom over the past five years. These advances include a significant reduction of corruption and loosening of labor regulations. However, despite these improvements and its membership in the European Union, Romania is still a transitional economy, trying to overcome remnants of its Communist past. It’s problem areas include a precarious judicial independence, an inefficient business environment, and the struggle to meet EU anti-corruption requirements.

March 2015

The Romanian Cultural Garden

Located in Rockefeller Park along Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, the Cleveland Cultural Gardens comprises of 31 unique gardens, with each garden commemorating a different ethnic group that has contributed to the cultural diversity of the United States and Cleveland. One of the gardens is the Romanian Cultural Garden, which was dedicated and built in 1967. The Romanian Garden was a dream fostered by the Association of Romanian American students with the help of the clergy and lay leaders in securing the land for the Romanian presence. The garden is simple, yet quaint, with a bronze statue of George Enescu, a famous Romanian composer, which was bought directly from Romania.  Enescu is especially loved by Romanians including the Romanian Americans in Cleveland.

Since then, the local churches and societies had small contributions, such as the garden’s sign, restorations and repairs when it was vandalized, planting flowers and participating in the board of the Cultural Gardens Federation. Renovating plans are currently being made to create a space at which more people can gather and celebrate in the future. Initial design concepts and ideas were gathered from the community which are being further developed and blended with current ideas. In September of 2014, the Romanian Cultural Garden participated in the Cleveland One World Festival which included a wonderful parade of nations complete with flags and traditional costumes. The Romanian Community hopes to continue work in the Garden which symbolizes their native culture in Cleveland, Ohio.

Learn more information about the Romanian Cultural Garden in Cleveland by visiting their website:

Aposilling a Document Notarized by an American Notary Public

See attached instructions below:

Apostille form

Instructiuni Notarizare               

A Romanian Cultural Concert


December 2014

Passport Renewal

Individuals living in the United States are able to renew their Romanian passports by visiting – in person – one of the Romanian career consulates. The Honorary Consulate in Cleveland is not able to process passwords.  Ohio is under the jurisdiction of the career Consulate in Washington D.C. (located in the Romanian Embassy). The documents/ forms needed to renew/obtain a Romanian passport can be found by clicking on the following link:


Klaus Iohannis

As of the elections on November 16 2014, Klaus Iohannis has become the current President-elect of Romania. Iohannis was born on June 13, 1959 in Sibiu, Romania and is a Transylvanian Saxon (part of Romania’s Germany minority). His parents immigrated back to Germany in 1990 but Iohannis decided to remain in Sibiu. He went to Babeș Bolyai University where he studied physics. Eventually he became a physics teacher and a school inspector. Iohannis is married to Carmen Iohannis who is an English teacher at the Gheorghe Lazăr National College in Sibiu.

In 2000, Iohannis was elected as mayor of Sibiu, a position which he held until 2014. During his time as mayor, Sibiu was declared the “European Capital of Culture” in 2007. Iohannis served as the leader of the Democratic Forum of German in Romania from 2002 to 2012. In 2013, Iohannis became a member of the National Liberal Party. He went on to become the party’s First Vice President and in 2014 the party’s President.

The second round of elections in November found Iohannis to be the winner of the Romanian presidency. Iohannis will succeed Traian Băsescu and assume office on December 21, 2014.


*Image obtained from

October 2014

Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral: A Triple Celebration

On October 11th and 12th of 2014, Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio celebrated a three very important milestones: the 110th Anniversary of the oldest Romanian Orthodox parish in the USA, the 30th Anniversary of H. E., Dr. Archbishop Nathaniel as ruling Hierarch of the Episcopate, and the 25th Anniversary of Very Rev. Dr. Remus Grama as the Parish Priest. Archbishop Nathaniel was elected in 1984 by the Electoral Congress of the diocese (taking place at Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral) to be the Titular Hierarch of the Episcopate. Father Grama has been serving in the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate since 1982, when he was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. On Saturday, the celebratory events included a greeting of the Hierarchs followed by a Parastas and Great Vespers. The evening was concluded with an Anniversary Reception during which the new marble Romanian Coat-of-Arms display was inaugurated in the Cultural Center and an artistic program was offered by the clergy, Theologians and cantors. On Sunday an Anniversary Banquet followed the Holy Liturgy. This event included the viewing of the documentary movie “A Century of Romanian Orthodoxy in Cleveland” as well as a speech by Archbishop Nathaniel.

The Romanian Presidential Elections of November 2014 

The 2014 Romanian presidential elections will take place next month on November 2 and 16, 2014. The presidential candidates are:

·      Elena Udrea (PMP)

·      Klaus Iohannis (PNL)

·      Victor Ponta (PSD)

·      Hunor Kelemen (UDMR)

·      Monica Macovei (Independent)

·      Teodor Meleșcanu (Independent)

·      Dan Diaconescu (People’s Party)

·      Zsolt Szilágyi (Hungarian People’s Party of Transylvania)

·      Constantin Rotaru (Socialist Alliance Party)

·      William Brînză (Romanian Ecologist Party)

·      Mirel Mircea Amariței ( PRODEMO Party)

·      Gheorghe Funar (Independent)

·      Corneliu Vadim Tudor (Greater Romanian Party)

·      Calin Popescu-Tariceanu (Independent)

Romanian citizens with a valid Romanian passport or ID can participate in these elections by casting their vote at the Honorary Consulate of Romania in Ohio on November 2 and 16, 2014.  The address of the consulate is 526 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH, 44114, Leader Building Suite 1255. If you have any questions, please call 216-577-3009.


The Honorary Consulate often receives inquiries from individuals who need to give a power of attorney or draft other types of documents to be used in Romania in connection with real estate transactions. Over the past few years, it appears Romanian notary publics have started declining to accept documents that are notarized and apostilled in the United States, as per the Hague Convention.  They reportedly indicate that this is because of rules applicable to real estate transfers in Romania, which require a notarization procedure that is not available under the U.S. state laws.  Thus, the Honorary Consulate suggests that individuals in the United States who need to give such power of attorney or draft such other documents as they may need in connection with a contemplated real estate transaction in Romania should do so through a consular officer at the Romanian Embassy in Washington, D.C. or at the career consulate of Romania in whose jurisdiction they are located.